E-Prime Writer provides a text-editing interface meant to serve as a tool to help one learn to express oneself and explain ideas and theories without the metaphysical crutch of be-verbs. A practice built upon the anti-Aristotelian philosophy of Polish mathematician Aflred Korzybski, learning e-prime can improve the quality and impact of one's thinking, writing, and speaking. It has proven particularly useful in scientific writing.
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The Kingkiller Chronicle is my favorite fantasy series since Tolkien. Written by Patrick Rothfuss, the characters, dialog, plot, and worldbuilding are all delightful to experience. In a way, Kingkiller parodies traditional fantasy lit, but at the same time it accomplishes some of the best storytelling in the genre. It's also eminently quotable. So, I built this app to share some of my favorite quotes from the world of Temerant.
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